Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Fisrt Offer

其實收到這個offer已經有一段時間了,不過因為還在等其他的學校,所以其實不算是很興奮. 不過其實對我來說應該也算是一個不錯的backup了. 學校的ranking也不算太差,前兩年的也還有到12th的位置. 算是已經妥協很多了,從當初堅持的MBA到MA or MS, 也許人生的路還會再繞但至少我覺得目前能前往UK算是個不錯的選擇(環境及匯率及歐洲旅遊種種因素的考量下). 感謝Kiku的開導讓我不再stick to MBA的迷思. 學習都是看自己吧,我想只要學校和教授不太差,其他的就是自己的積極度吧.



Dear Chung-Ming Wang,

Student Reference Number :XXXXXXXX

Thank you for your application for the MA Asia Pacific Business degree here at Royal Holloway. I am pleased to tell you that we will be making you a conditional offer based on you obtaining 6.5 overall in IELTS, with 7.0 in writing. The course starts on September 21st 2009 and the mode of attendance is full-time. We will send you a confirmation letter of this offer very soon for your records.

I hope you will consider and accept our offer and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions with regards to your application or the admissions procedure here are Royal Holloway.

We would appreciate it if you would keep us up to date with any changes to your contact details, e.g. postal address, to ensure that you do not miss out on any vital information about your application.


Wendy Chen said...

I know you're still waiting for the better good news, but still: Congrats!!!!!! Wish that I can throw a celebration party for you like the one(s) you guys did for me!!!! We will wait, we will see, and we will anyways find a way to celebrate :D


eddy said...

Thanks a lot. You've always been very spportive.