Saturday, May 30, 2009

About surfing

Let me quote my friend's article to decribe the day I spent with him. But for your reference, he is come from San Diego in US. And it's really interesting to see the "eyes on Taiwan" from foreigner's perspective. And the stupid friend he mentioned is no doubt would be me. Here we go~

17 May 2009

Surfing and Changes of Pace

As I write this there is a large demonstration of at least a few thousand people going by our apartment window, protesting the same thing that the large demonstration that we talked about oh so long ago. It is really different living on a main street than living in a mountain community, so convenient and rather lively. It still feels new and foreign, but we are getting used to it. Soon I will be obtaining a 24 inch LCD to complement my archive of cartoons, life can only go up from there. Speaking of which, we have three trips coming up fast- hint to those of you who are going, and we are really excited. I cannot wait to eat nothing but Viet food everyday. I am finding the lack of access to foods I am accustomed to are taking a toll on my dream time. I cannot stop dreaming about breakfast burritos, surfing and the comforts of a jacuzzi.
Fortunately I was able to do something about going surfing. I basically harassed everyone I know who might be interested in surfing all week until someone said they would go with me. Ah, brings back good memories. The whole experience yesterday however, was filled with so many happy and unhappy experiences that not even LA could be as big of a fiasco as the beach we went to in Taiwan. First of all the train ride was two hours and it was early in the morning, but that I was ready for. The fact that the train topped out at 30 mph was a little frustrating, but who could expect Taiwan to have as good of a train system as China (the people outside would not be happy to hear me say that). At any rate, a surf shop offered to pick us up if my friend would rent a board, so things looked up. The next thing that would happen however, would make it very difficult to enjoy my surfing experience-- and walking. The beach had a very dark sand and spread widely between me and the ocean. I of course was bare foot. I can confidently say that that sand was the hottest sand I have ever walked across. About ten feet in I realized that the sand was burning my feet, so I began to run. I am not sure if that was such a good idea, but hey, I wanted to get the hell of the sand. Apparently the look of pain on my face and the desperate run that turned into a stop and bury my feet into not so cooler sand- though bearable, caught the attention of at least on beach goer. My lord and savior, some Taiwanese man, ranup with sandals for me. It was the nicest gesture anyone has ever done for me.
I made it to the wet sand and noticed everyone had taken their sandals and set them at the edge of the wet sand and hot sand like it was their doorstep. It would have been amusing if I really hadn't burned my feet. I kid you not, I have a few blisters on the bottom of my feet and redness, which I believe is a first degree burn and crossing into second, or so I was informed. Anyway, I toughed it out and got in the water. This is when I noticed that there were hundreds of people in front of me and the waves resembled something like wake on a lake, but smaller. Having a six foot two board, this just sucked. On a side note, last time I had been here there were at least one or two people who semi knew what they were doing. This lot was nothing like the last time. It was like watching penguins on rocks. Not only could no one, all one-hundred or so of them, not sit on their board let alone lay on their board, but they could not go sideways or diagonal- only forwards and backwards. I watched many a people run into each other at extremely slow speeds (no one was catching anything), some swimming alongside their board, some between sitting and rolling over, but all floating and pushing each other to get anywhere, like a very boring bumper boat ride. I really wish I could have taken a video, because I doubt I could experience this outside of an Asian country (no offense to anyone intended). Even my friend, whom I tried to help, could not sit on his board without laying down and straddling it with his legs (he was among those who could only go forwards and backwards). Hopefully next time we will have some waves to learn him on--> as my kids would say. All was not lost though, we found a friend there and he had a car! and he drives there every week! and he wants company! Woohoo, now I just have to convince him to go no Sunday and not Saturday. It was fun fun and not fun fun, but hey, I got to get in the water. Not exactly the waves of my dream, but who can really complain about the spectacle that only those who come to Asia can really experience. Oh and we saw Star Trek, it was great. Oh and we have started attending Pub Quizzes, which are exactly what they sound like. These tests are really hard and have a lot of questions, hopefully someone will come visit and join our team. I will have you know my random military history knowledge cam to use for one episode. Sadly though, I questioned myself on the who said quote and geography question (William Shatner and how many stars on Iraqi flag, three) and I didnt get to flex my nerd muscles for everyone to admire. Damn that girl who made me doubt myself.
PS> I forgot to mention that my friend is not very apt at applying sunscreen to people's backs or has never done it before. I have a bunch of streaks of sunburn all over. I look like I have a skin disease. Oh and that protest has grown larger, meaning it has been an hour walking by my apartment and its getting louder. I lied about thousands, it is up to tens of thousands now.

Protest, one hour in.

All hail the motherland, their's anyway.

Ed's B-day at an all you can eat/drink bbq place. Really popular in Taiwan- and anyone who comes here will be treated to a visit, despite the headache the Tiawan beer always gives me.
Lastly, it was supposed to rain everyday in April and May. I can tell you from experience in the Summer it does indeed rain everyday, but instead of the rainy season being rainy, we have had a drought for two or three weeks. By the looks of it now, that is about to change. Its weird how when the endless rain is finally gone, you miss it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

不簡單做料理 - 南瓜大餐

做了三道東西, 不過沒有照片

1. 南瓜(約400g)洗淨連皮,切成長方形大塊,大火略蒸10分鐘備用。(也可以用微波爐簡單煮一下)

2. 把調味料(西京白味噌1/2大匙,砂糖1/2大匙,薑汁或薑末1/4茶匙,麻油1茶匙,料酒2茶匙)加少許溫水調合均勻,塗抹在南瓜肉上。

3. 將南瓜放入預熱攝氏180度(約華氏350度)烤箱烘烤8~10分鐘,再刷一次醬汁。

4. 刷醬後再烘烤10分鐘,關爐火燜2~3分鐘即可取出裝盤,撒上細蔥花趁熱食用。

1. 南瓜洗淨連皮,切成長方形大塊,用奶油先煎一下並使之有些出水的感覺。(也可以先用微波爐先讓他熟一些再用奶油煎一下即可)

2. 灑些鹽與胡椒再覆蓋上起司, 送進烤箱烘烤約10分讓起司有微焦的感覺


1. 南瓜切成小塊(皮可去可不去)蒸約15分鐘至熟。

2. 放涼後,將南瓜放入空盆中,加入白糖攪拌均勻成南瓜泥。

3. 動物性鮮奶油煮至沸騰,加入泡過水的吉利丁,再一起和入南瓜泥中。

4. 植物性鮮奶油打發至濃稠扎實狀,加入南瓜泥混勻。用模具或是小杯子裝著,放入冰箱冷藏兩小時以上即可。

Monday, May 18, 2009

[轉錄][分享] 遞出辭呈前的7個思考點 辭職,還是繼續做?



Check Point 1



在 公司裡業已轉戰過各大部門、熟悉所有業務,也是同樣的道理,既然身經百戰,想必也累積了足夠因應跳槽的利多。到新公司後,不管被安插在哪個部門,對業務內 容都有所認識的你,必將受到大家的器重。因此,工作做到這種程度時,代表你若繼續留任,在技能、人脈、甚至薪資上都不大可能再有進步空間。

Check Point 2

發現自己 不如理解工作



Check Point 3

公司前景 不確定性升高



Check Point 4

對新職沒把握 別急著走



Check Point 5

人際失和 你可能有責任



Check Point 6

定期檢視 工作賞味期限

當然,即使賞味期限過了,也不代表這口飯就沒辦法繼續吃下去,一路熬到退休也是選項之一。重要的是,每隔幾年就該好好觀察一下情況,以避免到頭來發現自己 在一個毫無意義的工作上,虛耗了二、三十年的寶貴光陰。最好能將每十五年當成一個階段,每走完一個階段,便靜下心來想想接下來的路該怎麼走。

Check Point 7

事先溝通 讓家人當靠山



[轉錄][分享] 讓自己成為公司依賴的資產 3要點

台灣的上班族要與大陸13億的人口競爭,格局要放大、眼界放遠,不能只停留在小島或是城市觀點,才能擁有競爭力。員工裡有八成只是工 具,用過即可捨;只有一至二成的人有機會成為公司的資產,這些是有價值的人,可以輪調不同地區;而負債型的員工約占5%,隨時可丟。培養主動力不斷學習, 便是30世代成為資產型員工的重要關鍵之一。

要成為一個主動的職場人,首先要能辨識問題、歸類問題,清楚老闆所想的是 什麼,之後再依據輕重緩急,考量角色分工,運用整合資源去執行。有些員工很有熱忱,但見樹不見林,只看到事情的一面,所以必須不斷、密切地監控他,並確認 他是否真正了解問題。倘若他誤解意思,卻積極地去執行,反而弄巧成拙。



培 養主動力最基本應該由觀念上改變,現今上班族不夠務實,許多大學畢業生,自認是高學歷,不願放下身段去做某些工作。事實上,即使是高位階的人難免都有基層 的東西需要自己處理,例如現在筆記型電腦普及,變成行動辦公室,過去不需要自己處理的事情,現今都要自己來。以下是成為主動力工作者三項基本概念:

1.大家的事就是我的事 不論你是總機小姐、業務助理,把公司的事當成是自己的事,把老闆付多少錢,做多少事的心態,轉變為公司的事是大家的事,大家的事就是我的事,久而久之將獲得大家的尊敬。

2. 能者多勞變勞者多能 任何組織的運作上,在工作與工作、單位與單位間,永遠有灰色的三不管地帶,你看到時挺身而出,等於是介入不同的工作流程。同時你若用心融會貫通,就可以了 解整件事的流程、風險,以及該注意的細節。許多專業的累積是在產業工作中獲得,這就是「勞者多能」。像是嚴長壽就是很典型的例子,由送文件的小弟,到亞都 麗緻飯店總裁,就是他具有主動的工作力,除了自己的工作,他主動學英文,並主動承擔別人不願意做的事情。

3.有價值的 人有好價格 現在薪水高、有價格的人,未來不一定有價值。改變心態,每天同樣工作八小時,維持快樂的心態,每天多做一些事,不但份內做得好,同事也信任 你,甚至請假時請你做職務代理人,便可趁機了解別人的工作,之後熟能生巧,就能提升附加價值。好名聲會傳千里,市場上必定有更好的業主或職位,找尋這種有 能耐的人。

改變行為 成功可被複製





Friday, May 8, 2009


我只要跟我學長姊或是比我大的人約, 人家總是不會忘記
我承認我是很重承諾的人, 所以我從來不輕易答應事情
好像大家都變成YES MAN一樣
什麼都說要 什麼都說做得到
卻往往到最後一刻才會跟你說很抱歉, 甚至就什麼都不說就是整個爽約
信用額度用完之後, 我是沒有辦法再發的
只能說無奈, 也提醒自己不要跟他們一樣

Thursday, May 7, 2009


她覺得非常難得, 尤其又是個男生

Saturday, May 2, 2009


天氣終於漸漸暖和, 也該是出門運動的好季節了
之前雖然都有在騎自行車不過因為是隨便騎大車隊, 所以到的地方都不算遠
但是真的耗掉不少時間休息和等修車, 可能太陽大耗掉大家不少體力
